Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Connect Schedule 11/19/2014

6:35-6:45 Game – Tyler
6:45-6:55 Music
6:55-7:15 – Teaching Rebecca
7:15-7:40 – Connect Groups
7:40-7:45 Closing thoughts/announcements/Prayer & Blessing

Small Group Questions
1.     Have you ever rebuked someone? Have you ever told someone what they were doing was wrong?
2.     Why do you think it is so hard to rebuke someone?
a.     Is it humanity or our culture?
3.     Do you think there are times when it would be wrong or sinful to rebuke someone? What are those times? (try to lead students to understand that we cannot rebuke someone for our own gain or when we want to feel better about ourselves so we rebuke them).

When they are done (or they can work at the same time) have do the activity on the construction paper.

Each group will have 3 pieces of paper with phrases on them. Have them draw a picture (and caption if they would like) to complete each phrase. Talk about it if you have time. We will talk about it at the close.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Connect Schedule 11/12/2014

6:30-6:32 Greet
6:32-6:45 Game
6:45-6:55 Music 2 songs
6:55-7:15 Teaching Tyler
7:15-7:40 Connect Groups
7:40 -7:45 Closing - Please be on time and in the room at 7:40 - Don

Connect Group Questions
1)What’s the most rewarding thing you’ve ever achieved or accomplished?
2) Do you think Jesus was literally saying that we should forgive someone 77 times? So on the 78th time we are off the hook?
            What was the point he was trying got make?
3) Why is the servant’s response so appalling?
4)Why was the master so angry with the servant?
5) Activity Sheet - Silhouettes
            Say - We need to learn to apply and personalize what Jesus said to us tonight. Tonight lets be more specific than we were last week. Take a moment and think of someone you haven’t forgiven. This might be a painful thing so let’s be brave together. Be really honest with yourself. Write that person’s initials on the head. If you have more than one that’s ok. (Give some time to process this)
            Now pray for them. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them be really honest about this and be really brave. In the middle of the prayer give some silence to pray on their own. (Explain this first before praying) After sufficient time finish the prayer. (If you don’t get to prayer requests that is ok for for tonight.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Connect Plan for 11/5/2014

Connect Schedule and Connect Groups – 11/5/2014


6:20-6:35 – Hang out and greet students
6:35-6:50 – Game – Led by Tyler
6:50-7:00 –Worship 2 Songs
7:00 – 7:20 – Teaching Jesus and Forgiveness  - Don
7:20 – 7:40 - Connect Groups
7:40 – 7:45 – Wrap Up song and Prayer

1)   Have you ever had to ask forgiveness from someone? How did it feel before? During? After?
2)   What does the story form Mark tell us about Jesus’ priorities in meeting our needs? (What did Jesus heal first in the man? – sin)
3)   Why do you think the frowny faces represented you forgiving someone else? (because in order to forgive we have to have been hurt and wronged. )

4)   Why the smiley face for being forgiven? ( When we are forgiven it means we hurt or wronged someone else. Being forgiven is a wonderful thing!)