Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Connect Small Group Questions 9/10/2014

Connect Small Group Questions

   1)   Why do you think God chose a poor virgin and carpenter from a small, unimportant village to be Jesus’ parents?

   2)   If you were in Mary’s shoes what would you think? How would you react?

   3)   Why is it so difficult to live like nothing is impossible for God?

   4)   Why is it so difficult to surrender?

   5)   On this paper write the main source of stress in your life.
a.     Now underneath it write, “Surrendering this to God means…” and then answer the question. Help each other think of real, doable ways to do this.

b.     Consider taking a picture of this and making it your screen saver on your phone to help you remember that we need to follow Mary’s lead and choose to surrender their stress to God – Nothing is impossible for him.